Zagorje ours, you are a holy place

Churches, castles, and a hot spring water
It’s not today or yesterday
Let it be breezy outside, happy inside
This is the Holy Mary that has been watching us.

Zagorje is our holy place.
Of all this beauty, the most beautiful is ‘WHAT’.
The word here where I hear in heaven I’m a mom,
no matter where I am, here or there.

Everywhere I step without any boundary,
mother earth love is warming me.
That’s why in my heart the song is ringing,
And faith gives me that everyone is good.

We must be one, and it is holy,
Our precious Zagorje soil.
This is where I hear my mom in Heaven,
I don’t know if it’s better here or there.

The green shores are always ours
And none of them ever separated us.
But ghd boom, I’m glad to hear that
Because the country is dear to me.I only want be born again because of women
To all women
To all known and unknown,
to all the free and all bound,
to everyone who is looking for a connection and everyone who is running away from it
those who are afraid of relationships and those who are breaking other people’s relationships
to those who are blind and to those who are dumb, because they are not dumb either:
dear women, dear women, my dearest,
forgive me for wanting to love you all

I only want be born again because of women
To all women
To all known and unknown,
to all the free and all bound,
to everyone who is looking for a connection and everyone who is running away from it
those who are afraid of relationships and those who are breaking other people's relationships
to those who are blind and to those who are dumb, because they are not dumb either:
dear women, dear women, my dearest,
forgive me for wanting to love you all

I will only be born again because of a woman
no matter how I say it, it's nice to hear it
energy floods my body, my heart thrives

i will be born again, just for the sake of woman, for
women, queens
women abandoned,
lonely women
widow women
women saints,
women goddesses
female friends
women associates
women bosses and penitent women
peasant women,
women artists,
women workers,
women's sisters
women mothers

I'll be born again just for the sake of a woman,
because of you who loved me and I didn't know how to bring it back
for the sake of you I loved and you could not reciprocate
because of you, whom I wrote the lyrics and you lost them
because of you whom I brought gifts and you put them in the wrist
because of you who led me through hell and left me in pain

I will only be born again because of my wife
because of you who have revealed to me what love and happiness are
because of you who rejoiced with me and cried with me
because of you who did not go out of my dreams
because of our shared joy in the path of creation

I will only be born again because of my wife
because of a woman who gives herself in love, because of a woman who fears love
for a woman who sells love, for a woman who buys love
because of the woman in whom love needs to be awakened
because of the woman to whom love should be given

I'll be born again just for the sake of a woman
because of the harmony in her movements
because of her mind-boggling voice,
because of her touch that burns my skin and creates wounds
because of its elegant, long fingers that make music
because of the shape of her knees
because of the neck long, the neck short, and its softness, where my head only sleeps peacefully
because of her kisses sweeter than honey
because of her tight embrace

I'll be born again, just for the sake of a woman
and I will love it differently
I will be a lion sitting peacefully in the savannah
and he just loves her
everyone who comes will have all the abundance of my love
everyone who goes will take it with them
if it stays, they will have it equal
and I know they won't argue for me
for they will see themselves in me and me in them
because only the two together form the One
and the same One, is already in us

I'll be born again, just for the sake of a woman
in the terrible, scariest dilemma of my existence
between god and woman, I will choose a woman again
because in her- I see God creating her
and eternal love

My Goddess, forgive me for wanting to love you all

Vjeko Martinko © 2020 All Rights Reserved